September 13, 2022 4 H Center

Call to Order:

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Jack Winkleman. It's good to see Dan Alldredge back.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to approve the minutes for August meeting was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Frank Wildeman. Motion carried. Minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Treasurer Jon Gunnels gave his report. Motion was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Kathy Vonderahe. Motion carried. Treasurer's report approved.

Library Committee:

Library is open. Christmas Ornament cutouts are available.

Show Committee:

Flyers for show take to your barber or stylist or where ever you may be heading. Table reservations give to Jon Gunnels, don't wait until Friday October 21, get your table now. Need home for 4 big signs. Stickers for small signs that you have at home. Trophy publicity and donations for Jessica at our show.

Old Business:

There are Christmas Ornament cutouts for the 2022 Show door prizes.

New Business:

House Trophy Update- All done by next meeting.

Mark Weil had a stroke and we are sending out a thinking of you card.

Mark Meyer had eye surgery.

Dan Alldredge is in remission for his cancer.


Show and Tell:

Dan Alldredge showed his bark carvings and his woodcarving.

Marvin Daniels showed his farmer guy, viking and bust.

Frank Wildeman showed his hairball and eaglehead.

Janie Hall showed her pumpkin patch, santa ornament, boot, love santa and goose.

Kathy Vonderahe showed her santa and something else I'm not sure I heard what it was.

Mike Karch showed his santas and pumpkins.

Robin Meyer showed her bird ornament, wood burned and painted ornaments and a bell.

Half Pot:

Half-Pot was given and won Frank Wildeman.


Ben Meyer made the motion to adjourn and Jeff Hancock seconded. Motion carried meeting adjourned.

The next meeting is Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Thank you to Jack Winkleman for doing the mini seminar.

Respectfully submitted:

Robin Meyer, Secretary