Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Vice President Jack Winkleman. We welcomed guest David Perkins to the club this evening.
Minutes of previous meeting:
Motion to approve the minutes for August meeting was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Frank Wildeman. Motion carried. Minutes approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Roy Kline gave his report. Motion was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Danny Conley. Motion carried. Treasurer's report approved.
Library Committee:
Nothing new in the library.
Show Committee:
Jeff Hancock has show table forms, door volunteer sign up sheet for you look at and fill out tonight before you leave. Twenty Dollars for a table. Jeff will have the stickers for the signs next month at the meeting. Woodturners Club will be joining us this year. Woodturners Club has a master copy of the flyer to photo copy and hand out at their next meeting. The show is October 28 and 29, 2023; 9 to 3 at the 4 H center in the Banquet hall.
Jack will be getting Moores Roughouts an itemized list together of roughouts, basswoods, to get from them at Bellville.
Old Business:
Mark Meyer stepped down after last month's meeting adjourned. Vice President Jack Winkleman said he would step up and fill the role of President until November. Ben Meyer and Steve Eli seconded the motion.
Bob Koressel passed away and he was the Historian, we will be looking for a new Historian. There is a letter up on the table that we sent the family with a donation in memory of Bob.
New Business:
Mrs. Abel has brought some of Bret's carving items, magazines, and other items. Get what you want and pay Mrs. Abel or Roy Kline.
If you read the newsletter there are a few things to do this month. There is the French Lick Block Bash, New Harmony Kunstfest, and Harmonie State Park has a Craft Fair.
Eight are signed up for the Rich Wetherbee's seminar. Two days for $170, clay or wood, March or April 2024, six hours 9-4. We will let the Wetherbee's pick the dates.
Show and Tell:
Jan Weiss showed her hillbillies and santas.
Kathy Vonderahe showed her angel, santa and santa in a chimney.
Jack Winkleman showed his gnomes.
Frank Wildeman showed his trees.
Dan Allderege showed his woodburned and carved plaque.
Marvin Daniels showed his aspen carved sticks for brooms.
Half Pot:
Half-Pot was won and donated back to club by Jack Winkleman.
Jeff Hancock made a motion to adjourn and Jan Weiss seconded . Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting is Tuesday, October 10, 2023
A thank you to Marvin Daniels for doing the mini-seminar, of outhouse on rocks
Respectfully submitted:
Robin Meyer, Secretary