Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 6:05 P.M. by President Jack Winkleman. We welcomed guest Tony Kempf.
Minutes of previous meeting:
Motion to approve the August meeting was made by Jan Weiss and seconded by Dan Alldredge. Motion carried. Minutes approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Roy Kline gave his report. Motion was made by Frank Wildeman and seconded by Jon Gunnels. Motion carried. Treasurer's report approved.
Library Committee:
Nothing new in the library.
Show Committee:
Show Person Jon Gunnels talked about the show. We have numbers for the signs please take two sets of numbers for each sign you have. Participation of club members, table reservations for the show. The show is October 26 and 27, 2024; 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. We will have club members demonstrating throughout both days.
Old Business:
Sales/trade table. a place to sell, trade, or give away tools, books, etc. you no longer are using. Cutouts on table, help yourself.
New Business:
Nothing new.
Mini Seminars:
Tonight- Steve woodburning; October Kathy- Nativity; November Ron- Santa "S" or grinch; December- Christmas party; January- open; February Robin.
Show and Tell:
Dan Alldredge showed his woodburning items.
Marvin Daniels showed his broom.
Jan Weiss showed her man in the moon, penguin, Santa, sleepy guy.
Kathy Vonderahe showed her three man in the moon's and Santa.
Ben Meyer showed his turned pens, tweezers, and bottle stopper.
Jack Winkleman showed his magazines and one other item that I can not read my writing. I'm so sorry Jack.
Steve Eli showed his woodburned card of a flower and his horse "Duke".
Half Pot:
Half-Pot was won and given to Robin Meyer.
Motion was made by Jon Gunnels to adjourn and was seconded by Bill Kelly. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting is Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Thank you to Steve Eli for doing the Mini-Seminar this month on woodburning.
Respectfully submitted:
Robin Meyer, Secretary