November 8, 2022 4 H Center

Call to Order:

President Jack Winkleman called the meeting to order at 6 PM. There were 11 members present at the 3:30 - 6 PM open carving session and 12 members at the meeting. Our meeting was held in the large conference room in the front of the building due to our regular room being used for voting.

Minutes of previous meeting:

The Secretary was sick. Kathy Vonderahe was acting secretary. Previous minutes were accepted as posted on the website.

Treasurer's Report:

Jon Gunnels provided the treasurer's report and also the final report on the Carving Show. There was a profit for our show. Copies of all reports were given to the secretary.

Library Committee:

Our librarian was absent and the library was unavailble due to the election voting being held in our regular room.

Show Committee:

Robin had provided the following information from the show: attendance was 142 and there were 53 ornaments remaining from the ornaments donated for door prizes. As the treasurer reported, there was a profit from the show partially due to the purchase of the remaining wood that the club had purchased to sell at the show. Jack said that due to declining attendance and also fewer participants, the new officers will need to consider whether the show will be continued or if we will consider other options. Members were asked to think about ideas for the future.

Old Business:

There was no old business.

New Business:

Jack had notified the club of the death of long time member Elvin Reed. Jon sent a memorial contribution from the club and Robin sent a card to the family from the club. There was a question about the amount that is sent for a memorial contribution. Jack has said it is routinely about $50 being sent to the charity of choice by the family.

Jack had a sign up sheet for the Christmas Party on our regular December meeting date. It will be held in our regular meeting room at 6PM. The date will be Tuesday, December 13th. The cost is $5 per couple/family. The club will provide fried chicken and everyone is asked to bring a covered dish. Drinks, plates, cutlery, and cups will be provided. Marvin Daniels will provide the entertainment. We will have a carved Christmas ornament exchange for those who want to participate.

Zack Garcia from Wesselman Woods contacted the club to see if there is a humanities-arts-environmental connection we can create to highlight this ancient forest and the symbolic art work we do. He hopes to visit our club meeting in January.

Roy Kline presented a slate of officers: President - Mark Meier Vice President - still open Secretary - Robin Meyer Treasurer - Roy Kline

Jack read the list of responsibilities for each office. Jack asked for volunteers for the Vice President position. He said the club cannot continue without a full slate. No one volunteered, so Jack said he would serve as Vice President for one year only.

A motion to accept the slate of officers was made by Jon Gunnels and seconded by Danny Conley. The motion passed.


November - Ron Tucker - Candy Corn character

Show and Tell:

Jon Gunnels showed his wood turnings.
Jack Winkelman showed his wood turnings
Janie Hall showed her Santa carvings and ornaments plus a character carving

Half Pot:

The half pot for $9 was won by Danny Conley. He donated it back to the club.


Motion to adjourn was made by Jan Weiss and seconded by Roy Kline.

The meeting was followed by a seminar from Ron Tucker. He did the Candy Corn character from the recent Woodcarving Illustrated Magazine.

The next meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 6PM is our Christmas Party.

Respectfully submitted:
Kathy Vonderahe,
Acting Secretary