Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. Vice President Jack Winkleman. We welcomed guests Sarah Dalp, Steve Dalp, Doug Egerton as member's and Allan Johnson. There are sign up sheets for the Christmas Party, Rich Wetherbee seminar and if you haven't signed our member sheet sign before you go and don't forget to get to get half-pot tickets.
Minutes of previous meeting:
Motion to approve the October meeting was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Kathy Vonderahe. Motion carried. Minutes approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Roy Kline gave his report. Discussion of the show was discussed. We had a lower attendance for show than the last few years. Motion was made by Jdeff Hancock and seconded by Jon Gunnels. Motion carried. Treasurer's report approved.
Library Committee:
Nothing new in the library. We put new books in last month from what we have gotten donated from Jim Corn.
Show Committee:
The show is over. Thank you for Jeff Hancock for stepping up and pulling it all together. Thank you to all who helped with setting and taking down the tables, and anyone I might have missed.
Old Business:
Jim Corn books and magazines that we did not sell at the show please take, they need a new home.
New Business:
It is that time to vote for your officer's. The Officer committee is as follows: President is Jack Winkleman, Vice President is Erv Leidolf, Treasurer is Roy Kline, and Secretary is Robin Meyer. Motion was made by Kathy Vonderahe and seconded by Jeff Hancock. Motion carried. Officers approved.
Christmas Party will be the next meeting in December. Kathy Vonderahe will be doing the decorations. Cost is 5 dollars per family. Bring a dish to pass, drinks will be furnished, starts at 6:00 P.M. and Marvin Daniels will provide the entertainment. Chicken will be provided. Ornament exchange if you want to participate bring ornament in a brown paper bag.
Jack Winkleman Happy Gnome
Show and Tell:
Jan Weiss showed her candy corn and santa.
Jon Gunnels showed his spoons and vase.
Marvin Daniels showed his bark carvings.
Half Pot:
Half-pot was won and given to Robin Meyer.
Jeff Hancock made a motion to adjourn and seconded by Jan Weiss. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting is Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Thank you to Jack Winkleman for doing the mini seminar, of the happy gnome.
Respectfully submitted:
Robin Meyer, Secretary