March 14, 2023 4 H Center

Call to Order:

Meeting was called to to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Mark Meyer. We welcomed guest Angela Geedde. Also welcomed back members Phil ADkins, Neil Ward, Alan Bailey, Janie Hall and Jeff Hancock.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to approve the minutes for February was made by Phillip Adkins and seconded by Steve Eli. Motion carried. Minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Treasurer Roy Kline gave his report for January, February, and March. Motion was made by Steve Eli and seconded by Kathy Vonderahe. Motion carried. Treasures report approved.

Library Committee:

Librarian was not there.

Show Committee:

We need a show Chairperson.

Old Business:

We need volunteers for the "North Gibson Archery Club" outdoor Bullseye Shoot, April 22. A continuation of discussion and thoughts of the club wanting/having an annual show. Jeff Hancock said that he would be willing to contact Brownie's Woodcarving Supply. Show dates would be October 28 and 29, 2023. If Wood Turner's Club join this year also we would split the cost of the room or rooms.

New Business:

We have a conflict with the Bellville, IL. show for our usual fall Show date. It is the same weekend that our show is usually held. So,

1. Moore Wood will not be at our show.
2. Questionable about what vendors will we have.
3. We can't move date up a week due to Tri-State Shindig.
4. We could move our show two weeks before or after our usual date, but there still may be other conflicts.
5. Discussion.

We got invited on Saturday September 23,2023 by Tri-State Creation Care for their second annual EVs for Electric Vehicle cruise-in. Time is 10 A.M. to 2 P.M.at the Eykamp Scout Center. For more information Robin has flyers.


Frank Wildeman tonight.

Show and Tell:

Roy Kline showed his Clothespin Birds.

Kathy Vonderahe showed her snowman, Easter Bunny and Bunny.

Marvin Daniels showed his Santa Claus.

Bill Kelly showed his Pickle and Angel.

Jack Winkleman sowed his Pickles and Leprechaun.

Half Pot:

Half-Pot was won and given to Roy Kline.


Steve Eli made a motion to adjourn and Frank Wildeman seconded. Motion carried. meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting is Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Respectfully submitted:

Robin Meyer, Secretary