July 9, 2024 4 H Center

Call to Order:

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Jack Winkleman.

Minutes of previous meeting:

Motion to approve last July meeting was made by Ben Meyer and seconded by Danny Conley. Motion carried. Minutes approved.

Treasurer's Report:

Treasurer Roy Kline gave his report. Motion was made by Richard Hitch and seconded by Frank Wildeman. Motion carried. Treasurer's report approved.

Library Committee:

Nothing new to report in the library at this time.

Show Committee:

Show Person Jon Gunnels talked about the show. Jon will be getting the show up on the Facebook webpage. Jon Gunnels is going to be going to Indianapolis to meet with Jim Hart to get basswood in these sizes- 1x1x12, 2x2x12, 1 1/2x1 1/2x12, and any interest in cottonwood? We will also be having demonstrations of a scroll saw, woodburning, woodturning, mallet carving, and power carving. He will also be sending out table reservations forms to members. Peoples choice award.

Old Business:

Reminder of the Sales/ trade table. A place to sell, trade, or give away tools, books, etc.you are no longer using.

We had a member that brought up the nametags competition this month. The history of the nametag goes like this. All new carvers had to come up with their own name tag in the first 6 months after joining. All carvers were to wear a name tag that they made or fined 25 cents at each meeting if forgotten. We will be having a nametag competition at the August meeting.

Upcoming mini seminars Include: Tonight- Frank Carving a spiral icicle ornament. August- Jan offering a man in the moon carving seminar.

New Business:

We have members celebrating theier 20th wedding aniversary tonight, congratulations to Ben and Robin Meyer.

Jim Hart called and has wood for us to purchase. Pick up in Indy around Labor day Weekend. 1x1x12 $1.50, 1.25x1.25x12 $2.00, 1.5x1.5x12 $2.60, 2x2x12 $2.90 vs Moore last year 1x1x12 $2.00, 1.5x1.5x12 $3.00, 2x2x12 $5.00.

Franklin Street Bazar was a fun time for all. Jon Gunnels and his wife Patsy, Ben Meyer, Kathy Vonderahe, and Robin Meyer all promoted the club, talked about the show coming up in October and a fun time.


Show and Tell:

Jack Winkleman showed his carving of a santa with a bag of toys.

Kathy Vonderahe showed her carving's of keltic cross, bark carving of a santa, and a bark carving of a castle.

Frank Wildeman showed his carving's of a ball in a cage, trees, and keltic crosses.

Roy Kline showed his carving of a wood spirit bark carving.

Jon Gunnels Showed his turned potpourri, bowl, mice, spoons, and forks.

Half Pot:

Half-Pot was won and given to Roy Kline, who donated back to the club.


Richard Hitch made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by Janie Hall. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting is Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Thank you to Frank Wildeman for doing the mini seminar this month.

Respectfully submitted:

Robin Meyer, Secretary