Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by President Jack Winkleman.
Minutes of previous meeting:
Motion to approve the March meeting was made by Frank Wildeman and seconded by Jan Weiss. Motion carried. Minutes approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Roy Kline gave his report. Motion was made by Frank Wildeman and seconded by Sarah Dalp. Roy also talked about the price of shirt's or polo's for 17 to 20 dollar's and hats for 17 to 20 dollar's.
Library Committee:
Nothing new in the library.
Show Committee:
Show Person Jon Gunnels talked more about the show. We will be in the Exposition Hall in the front of the building, where we will have more room, means more tables to fill. Table Reservations are on the website and can download and send to Treasurer Roy Kline.
Old Business:
A). The Wetherbee seminar was last Friday and Saturday. I think everyone had a good time and went home with great projects. A great thank you to Ken for allowing us to use his shop for this seminar.
B). Erv has set up a bark carving seminar with Marvin Daniels at Ken's on May 8 from 4pm to 7pm. Signup sheet on table. Ten (10) spots $45 each. We have 2 spots left open.
C). We have once again been asked to demonstrate carving and promote the club at the Princeton bow shoot. This will be on April 20 starting at 8 am. We can be there as early 7:15 to setup. Currently Jon, Frank, and Jack will be attending. If anyone else is interested there is open space.
D). Kathy reports thats we have an opportunity to promote the club, demonstrate carving and sell at Franklin Street Bazar on Saturday June 22, 9am to 1pm. Tent and tables are provided. Parking on the street. tent and tables are free.
E). Reminder: Sales/trade table. A place to sell, trade, or give away tools, books, etc. you are no longer using.
New Business:
A). The 2024 Club Roster is set and on the table. Please take a moment and check to make sure your contact information is correct.
B). I received a call from Phil Thompson. He has a tote full of Mallet magazine that he would like to give away if anyone is interested. Please let Jack know.
Upcoming mini seminars include: Tonight April Kathy -basswood egg critter, May- Marvin- Face carving, focusing on eyes.
Show and Tell:
Jan Weiss showed her Rich Weatherbee bear, rabbit, flower, and santa.
Kathy Vonderahe showed her Rich Weatherbee horse.
Jack Winkleman showed his Rich Weatherbee top hatter and stick.
Robin Meyer showed her Rich Weatherbee bear.
Jon Gunnels showed his platter.
Half Pot:
Half-pot was won and given to Robin Meyer.
Warren Schaefer made a motion to adjourn and seconded by Sarah Dalp. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned.
The next meeting is Tuesday, May 11, 2024
Respectfully submitted:
Robin Meyer, Secretary