Call to Order:
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Vice President Jack Winkleman. We welcomed Marvin Daniels Grandson Charlie.
Minutes of previous meeting:
Motion to approve the minutes for March was made by Frank Wildeman and seconded by Jeff Hancock. Motion carried. Minutes approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Roy Kline gave his report. Motion was made by Jeff Hancock and seconded by Marvin Daniels. Motion carried. Treasurer's report approved.
Library Committee:
No change in the library.
Show Committee:
We still need a Show Chair Person. Woodturner's are interested in joining for the October Show. October 28 and 29, 2023. Brownie's will be the tool vendor.
Old Business:
Cruise in is on table until we get more information.
April 22, 2023 Camp Carson Bullseye Shoot. Volunteer's need to be there for set up at 7:15 A.M. This will be great exposure for the club.
Marvin Daniels has seminar tonight.
New Business:
Card machine square October has new compliance laws. Would like to look into a square that is different. Jack brought up Marti Vanada to get information on the square she uses for the show. Please bring your woodburning kits to the May meeting. We will have extra woodburning kits available if interested. Table has Elvin Reed's items on it.
Show and Tell:
Robin Meyer showed her woodburning magnets.
Kathy Vonderahe showed her pinecones, farm scene egg, and holy leaf puzzle.
Jack Winkleman showed his pickle knife cover, pinecones with faces, acorns, Easter Bunny, Easter Bunny pin. and pinecone face that covers a knife.
Jan Weiss showed her angels, pickle Expressions, and pinecones.
Marvin Daniels showed his hillbilly on a unicycle.
Half Pot:
Half-pot was won and given to Robin Meyer.
Jeff Hancock made a motion to adjourn and Jon Gunnels seconded. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting is Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Thank you to Marvin Daniels for doing the mini-seminar.
Respectfully submitted:
Robin Meyer, Secretary